As the Marvel franchise continues to boom with the release of movie after movie we constantly see a symbiotic relationship between the developers and the Marvel studio with new content, locations, quests and characters being added into this dynamic PVE MMO. Marvel Heroes 2015 - Taken straight out of a comic book the setting behind this action role playing game has players suiting up as their favourite Marvel heroes (as well as a few iconic villains) with dozens of famous faces from Cyclops, Spider-Man, Captain America, Star Lord and more.So here’s the list of F2P Mac games we think you should check out if you haven’t already: However, there’s plenty of gamers out there who like to follow the F2P community and don’t have a PC, in particular this article takes a look at the F2P games that we have come to love that are available on the Mac, many of which are equally as powerful as most players PC gaming rigs and can play many top of the range MMOs. When looking over the free to play games that we cover it’s fair to say that the most popular platform for the F2P format so far is the PC/Windows, embraced early on due to the wider accessibility as both a gaming platform and being optimal for machines of various qualities it allows for a much varied quality of game.